Start like Jesus, but…..



I have given in to my desire to make more money once or twice in my life, I think we all have. One of my times happened to be when I decided to sale health products for a MLM ( multi level marketing company) that I don’t need to name. I did pretty well for myself, I built a large down line quickly and promoted the products anywhere I could. I lost 30 pounds in just a few months, put on 20 pounds of muscle in less than six months. I actually love the products, but what I didn’t love was how far I was getting from Jesus!

I was building my team like Jesus, but instead of leading people to God, I was leading farther from Him. I bought in to the idea that I could sale the product and work for the church, just like so many others do! It was quick money, good results, and others noticed, but while I was focused on how to develop my team, I was losing the grip on my relationship with Christ!

I believe the church has become the target of so many of these companies today, that its one of the reason people are leaving the church. I can think of several MLM’s that have infiltrated churches locally where I live. Where else can you target hundreds of people at one time and convince them that you can be rich, give more and be healthy. I did it, but just as fast as it happened so did the conviction!

This blog is going to make some people mad, some people may not talk to me anymore, but that’s not my goal. My goal is to be bold for Jesus and someone needs to say it! Churches are not the POS ( point of sale) for these products, they have a place, just not the church! John 2:15 says: So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. The church is supposed to be a safe place and will always have wolves in sheep clothing, but when those who are sheep become cannibals, the church becomes divided instead of united!